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Diameter 8, 10,11, 12, 15, 16mm Cemented Carbide Round Cutter for Wood Turning Tools

Tungsten Carbide Knife Carbide Reversible Insert Knives for Wood Tools


Round cemented carbide cutting insert for wood turning with varying diameter Support custom service, free samples ,fast delivery

Diameter 12mm 15mm 16mm

Application: for Wood Turning Tools

Material:Cemented carbide

Service : OEM and ODM


Tungsten Carbide Scraper Blade For Wood Working

Products Description

Woodturning is a form of woodworking that is used to create wooden objects on a lathe, carbide wood turning

tools can be used to rough out any type of turning from bowls to pens, and spindles. After the roughing

is accomplished  the tool can be used for sheer scraping to smooth out the surface.

Our cutters are strictly inspected after each process, including body thickness, size, flatness, bore, angle,

joint length, hardness and etc. We promise to ship 100% qualified product.

Product Name:Round Shape Carbide Cutter

Material:100% Virgin Tungsten Carbide

Main Grades(ISO):K10/K20/K30/K40 etc

Main Applications:For Woodworking, Cutting Tool

Size:Φ 12 x 2.5 - 30° Φ 15 x 2.5 - 30° Φ 16 x 3 - 30° Φ 18 x 3 - 30°etc


 Tungsten Carbide Knife Carbide Reversible Insert Knives for Wood Tools

product application

Commonly used in woodturning applications. round shape cutters are generally used for round shape. Made

using long wearingsolid carbide and polished for smoother cutting and longer life. Very Perfect for finish the curved,

concave surfaces , hollower jobs and for general wood turning applications

14*14*2 Tungsten Carbide Replacement Cutter Reversible Knives For Spiral Cutter Head Indexable knives

OEM service:

we can produce various types tungsten carbide cutting tools insert according to different customized drawings.

we can provide the overall supporting solutions for the machining field.

Our OEM Service include (not limited to ):

1. Free design

2. Free samples test

3. Determination of cutting data and calculation of machining times

4. Calculation of machining costs per piece

5. Projection of tooling costs per piece

6. Calculation of performance (cutting forces, spindle power, torque moment)

7. Support during final acceptance and commissioning runs.

Additionally, we will provide you with the expert support you need when implementing your specific concept on site – anywhere in the world! Any question, Please contact us.


Tha loidhne toraidh uidheamachd pròiseas cinneasachaidh lann iomlan aig a’ chompanaidh bho ullachadh stuthan amh pùdar, dèanamh molltair, brùthadh, sintering cuideam, bleith, còmhdach agus còmhdach iar-làimhseachaidh. Tha e a’ cuimseachadh air rannsachadh agus ùr-ghnàthachadh an stuth bunaiteach, structar groove, cruthachadh mionaideachd agus còmhdach uachdar cuir a-steach carbide NC, agus an-còmhnaidh a’ leasachadh èifeachdas innealachaidh, beatha seirbheis agus feartan gearraidh eile de chuir a-steach carbide NC. Às deidh còrr is deich bliadhna de rannsachadh saidheansail agus ùr-ghnàthachadh, tha a’ chompanaidh air grunn phrìomh theicneòlasan neo-eisimeileach a mhaighstireachd, tha comasan R&D agus dealbhaidh neo-eisimeileach aca, agus is urrainn dhaibh cinneasachadh gnàthaichte a thoirt seachad airson gach teachdaiche.

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